Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

I'm all about Easter Egg hunts - anything that's fun and makes people happy!! We didn't have a specific time period set out in our monthly schedule for an Easter egg hunt but my room mom and I decided that it would be a fun thing to do. Unfortunately it rained outside so our hunt was inside - but the kids really have a good time.

There were plenty of eggs to go around and we keep finding hidden eggs around the classroom even this week.

Empty Easter basket

Logan found one!

Jeff can't reach!
Telissa's stash!

The Things They Say

So this morning my students were coloring a worksheet on the letter "Jj" and one of the boys says to me, "Mrs. Franklin guess what? My grandpa can't play with me anymore." To this I responded, "well, why not?" and he says, "because he has diarrea."

Today we were standing in line for music and one of my students asked whether we were going to music or P.E. I told him that we were going to get to go to music today and to this he replied, "Ahh man, I'm never going to be a music teacher."

A few days ago during the morning journal writing the class seemed fairly quiet which is nice in the mornings. However, one little boy broke the silence and with complete seriousness said these words to the other students sitting at his table, "hey guys, guess what? My mom doesn't know that I turn into a werewolf at night." And instead of laughter (except from me) the other students go into what they turn into at night - it was quite comical. We had everything from clowns, black ninjas, vampires, bats, spiderman and spongebob.

Haven't had some funny ones in awhile so it was refreshing to hear them today chat about cute little innocent things.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kindergarten Catch-up

Sorry I haven't posted anything since Valentine's Day. Life somehow got in the way and my "free-time" was rendered more useful elsewhere.

However, we have been having classes regularly and we have been learning quite a lot. I've been focusing the majority of my attention on preparing them for the spring IRI and making sure they are confident with their abilities to be able to survive first grade.

I will be posting some pictures of our Easter party and any other fun activities that we do this spring.