Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day

We've accomplished the celebration of our first Valentine's Day at school. I had forgotten that Valentine's Day was never a big day for this little guys until this year. It was a lot of fun to see them open their valentine cards and gasp at the candy that came with practically every card (who started that tradition?) - anyways it was a fun afternoon full of candy, cards and games.

Monday, February 8, 2010


So - I'm starting a unit called "By the Sea" and I introduced this unit by asking them what they already know about the ocean. That went pretty well. Then I asked them if they had any questions about the ocean or anything that they wanted to know. When they asked their questions I was into "the teaching moment" and didn't really react one way or another to their question I just simply wrote it down on the board. Well, after school I as I was copying them onto little "fish" to put on the bulletin board I realized that some of their questions were very cute so I decided to post a few.

1) How long is the ocean?

2) Do fish get sick?

3) Can squid stretch their arms?

4) Do humpback whales have spouts?

5) Can sharks get as big as a boat?

6) Are the sea creatures cold-blooded?

7) Can you go under saltwater?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh the Things They Say

We were getting ready to play a game for birthday parties and Ryan saw that someone was moving chairs around. He got so excited and exclaimed, "Hurray, are we going to play High School Musical chairs?"

"Mrs. Franklin, your breath smells like Ramen Noodles." - Dawson

Ryan's joke:

"Why did the pencil cross the road?"
"Because he was dumb"