Monday, February 8, 2010


So - I'm starting a unit called "By the Sea" and I introduced this unit by asking them what they already know about the ocean. That went pretty well. Then I asked them if they had any questions about the ocean or anything that they wanted to know. When they asked their questions I was into "the teaching moment" and didn't really react one way or another to their question I just simply wrote it down on the board. Well, after school I as I was copying them onto little "fish" to put on the bulletin board I realized that some of their questions were very cute so I decided to post a few.

1) How long is the ocean?

2) Do fish get sick?

3) Can squid stretch their arms?

4) Do humpback whales have spouts?

5) Can sharks get as big as a boat?

6) Are the sea creatures cold-blooded?

7) Can you go under saltwater?

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