Friday, September 24, 2010

Creative Minds

For our math lesson a few days ago I gave them some pattern blocks and had them arrange them into different patterns. I gave them an example of a flower and then let them play with the pattern blocks and this is what they came up with: Pretty creative for kindergarteners!

A Lion

A fish

A flower

A car

dishes falling into the sink!

A tree!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

School Supplies

I have added a list to my blog that informs parents of the supplies that we will be needing for our classroom. With the economy doing poorly our school funding for supplies and necessary classroom materials has greatly decreased. Anything you can do to help out would be greatly appreciated. I will continue to add to the list as I see a need and if I need something by a specific date I'll make sure that I make that known on the list. I'm sure that as the year goes on the list will grow. As of right now I have pretty much all that I need for awhile. The things that I listed are those items that I believe we will run out of first.

Thanks for anything and everything that you do!!

Mrs. Franklin