Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall Trees

We had our very first art project this past week and I have to say it went pretty well. Thanks to an organized art mom and well-behaved kindergarteners (I threatened them within an inch of their life). I have to say that the projects turned out very cute and very original to each kid. It's amazing how much you can tell about a child by just looking at their artwork - it truly says a lot about who they are. It's also amazing to me how much fun and joy it can bring to their little lives and I can't believe there are school districts out there that will not allow art projects to be conducted in the classroom without a full scale curricular intent complete with lesson plans, standards and how it will relate to what is being taught. Let's just let fun be fun. I think that every time they pick up a crayon, paintbrush, marker, gluestick, scissors they are tapping into their creative ability to imagine and express themselves in order to be comfortable with who they are. How is that not educational?

Alright - I'll hop down off my arts and crafts in the classroom soapbox and show you some pictures of their creations. Keep in mind that they are supposed to be autumn trees - sometimes kinderart is difficult to decipher but that is what makes them so darn cute.

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