Monday, August 31, 2009


O.K. - so recess duty isn't exactly my favorite part of teaching - honestly, it's my least favorite part of teaching. The only days that I enjoy it are when I have everything prepared for the next lesson, maybe even the next few days and the weather is in the 60 - 70s with a light breeze. So - you guessed it - that's NEVER!!!

Well, today I was standing out in the heat of the day for afternoon recess not particularly enjoying myself due to the 90 degrees and the screaming children. When the bell finally rang I nonchalantly but gratefully headed back toward the office do deposite the "phone" (in case of emergencies) when I hear one of my little boys screaming at me tell me that the bell rang and "IT'S SCHOOLTIME - YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE TEACHING US NOW." Apparently he was distraught that I was walking in the opposite direction that I was supposed to be. My day however brightened because the look on his face was priceless - one of absolute certainty that I had no idea what I was doing. Ahhhh - - too cute!

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