Joshua and Savannah
In random order . . . .
I'm Thankful For . . . .
Jeff - your maturity - you set a great example
Joshua - you always want to do the right thing
Leah - your sweet spirit
Savannah - your loving acceptance of everyone
Daisee - your honesty
Telissa - your precious smile
Jacob - I can count on you to get things done
George - the funny things you say
Chandler - your ability to make us all laugh
Ryan - your love for learning
Ally - your joy and love of being a kid
Jennifer - the look you get when you remember an answer - so cute!
Dawson - your energy and loving attitude toward everyone
Logan - your precious attitude - even when you are in trouble
Morgan - your leadership qualities
Erika - your love for learning and following the rules
Laura - your sweet spirit and love for learning
Luke - your love for art and making things
Andy - your sweet smile and kindness to everyone
My class is soooo extremely amazing!! I am truly blessed and thankful!