Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

To celebrate Thanksgiving my kindergartners did a lot of fun projects. They made turkeys and wrote what they were thankful for, we read stories and talked about the pilgrims and indians and discussed traditions that they participate in on Thanksgiving. After I show you a few photos of the things they made I am going to list each student and what I am most thankful for about them.

Joshua and Savannah




In random order . . . .
I'm Thankful For . . . .

Jeff - your maturity - you set a great example
Joshua - you always want to do the right thing
Leah - your sweet spirit
Savannah - your loving acceptance of everyone
Daisee - your honesty
Telissa - your precious smile
Jacob - I can count on you to get things done
George - the funny things you say
Chandler - your ability to make us all laugh
Ryan - your love for learning
Ally - your joy and love of being a kid
Jennifer - the look you get when you remember an answer - so cute!
Dawson - your energy and loving attitude toward everyone
Logan - your precious attitude - even when you are in trouble
Morgan - your leadership qualities
Erika - your love for learning and following the rules
Laura - your sweet spirit and love for learning
Luke - your love for art and making things
Andy - your sweet smile and kindness to everyone

My class is soooo extremely amazing!! I am truly blessed and thankful!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about your "Thankful" list, specially liked to see Andy's picture. I know his family.. very sweet family. You are so creative!
